Short Summary: Danny makes a risky decision to remove the threat of the recently freed Dan Phantom. Phantom Shadow by The Villain’s Vindication Short Summary: Of course Danny’d get together with his overbearing arch enemy the one time he had too much to drink at the annual Christmas Truce.
Short Summary: Danny is caught in ghost form by his parents, who are so excited to dissect him. Misc: Torture + some mental deterioration Short Summary: What’s Danny going to do when the government scientists get their claws on him? Short Summary: Getting someone to move on is hard, especially when even you have just realized they’re dead. Misc: Main character death (but we all know by now that he doesn’t stay dead) Fully accustomed to being dead, he is sent back to Casper High in the guise of a human in order to stop a threat that could destroy both the ghost and human worlds. Short Summary: After his death, Danny becomes a full ghost and becomes the apprentice of Clockwork under a new identity. Pairings: Hints at Danny/Sam, but no main pairing. Time Masters Apprentice by RaeSoul Incomplete ((Christ I should not have so many of these))